Sometimes i want to just go off somewhere
far,where there is no1 but just me. I even get scared thinking how i ll
survive through this loneliness but at least i wont have the fear of
losing anyone. May be that's cos I wont have anyone to lose when im
somewhere with no1 but just me.
Our mind haunts us in many ways, some times unnecessarily. it haunts me so badly tat i am clueless on what to do next.
Our mind haunts us in many ways, some times unnecessarily. it haunts me so badly tat i am clueless on what to do next.
I am a bad person indeed,
I am of no good to anyone.
I am no1s
1st or last love,
I am no1 s priority,
my existence does matter to some
but only those for whom I am of some use. May be my existence matter to
some even without a reason but tat doesn't become obvious in case of my
absence. I do not find any person who will be affected due to my absence
in their life, Family -YES they will be, other than family, Yes in d
short run, No in d long run.
But what matters is d long run, cos our life is a long running process spanning for more than a year, Am i part of any persons long run? hmm well the answer is 'NO'. I have not affected or impressed or lived up to any1s expectation in my life till now, whatever impact i have made on any1 can at the most wave its flag for may b a year but after a year my impact called d waving flag is down and my chapter ends in that persons life.
Sometimes we will be a part of someone's life for years but the importance of us in that person life will be that of a person known for a month.
Love is Timeless...Is it our mistake ???
No, absolutely Not, its
tough to be so amazing as to create an impact in a persons life, to be
sm1 s priority, to be loved, to be cried for... all these things are
rare in the lives of few people not in everyone's life.
Again I am No1 s but my Own Priority,
No1s but my Own Love,
No1s But my Own Asset.
No1s but my Own Love,
No1s But my Own Asset.
if you are someone's Priority, Love and Asset, Just look up to GOD to
thank him and congratulate yourself for being a good person so far.... you lived to make a difference at least in someones life.
I do not know , i might be wrong but as far d life events
concerned , my opinion is this. Many might disagree, but only life is
the answer so lets wait and watch.
Unitl Then
Happy Reading Fellas!!

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